Commercial Portrait Photography

Portrait Photography is Always a collaboration (between subject & photographer)..

My view on contemporary ‘business-profile portraiture’ is that the subject needs to come across:

  1. With an emotion and so making them more relatable / engaging to the viewer. The opposite is emotionless stoicism, an expression which can’t be read, and so possibly, at least on a subconscious level, not trusted.

  2. The emotion should project how at ease the subject is, this is for two reasons: 1. Someone at ease/comfy in their own skin/relaxed is someone most would feel comfortable collaborating/working with, and 2. Strongly suggestive of their ability to remain relaxed, content & in control within a stressful economy. Again a positive demeanour which will draw others to them.

ALL subjects arrive in front of the camera feeling awkward & on the spot.. My job is firstly for them to feel comfy in my bubble and secondly to help them understand how to express their inner relaxed beauty externally. An absolute collaboration.

Portrait photography: 95% of our time together is the above. Less than 5% is spent actually taking the photograph..

I very often meet subjects who start by saying they don’t look great in photos. On the whole this isn’t the case, they just haven’t had it explained to them how to ‘be’ in front of the camera.

My main tip to look good in front of the camera: Think about what makes you most happy, past experiences / future dreams - once these thoughts take hold, they become reflected, beautifully naturally, across your face & body language..